Thursday, 13 November 2014

Native flooding waters

As a child I grew up around bilingual speaking family. I could follow the mother tongue of the relatives, yet chose to converse in English. I went through school having to complete lessons in Welsh and German. Leading to a lovely GCSE in Welsh and German...what's the point I thought? When will I use those two languages? Well I really didn't know what to study at A level so I chose German as 'an easy option' !!!!!!!!! How wrong was I in my youthful naivety? After a year that got dropped and thrown into a folder somewhere amongst the other languages I had tried and finished abruptly. 

Four years later, after finishing my A levels and my degree (which again I had to do elements of Welsh) I ended up marrying the man I love and moving to Germany.  My German isn't too bad, I can follow conversations and converse enough to do my shopping and other tasks.

Today, nearly 11 years after touching German language, I spoke Welsh.  A necessity, helping others, trying to make a change.  Language that is compartmentalised is like a river bank bursting its banks to wash around your feet.

So do a ding and decompartmentalise a thing, just to see if it all comes flooding back.

Love Ding xxx

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