Saturday, 1 November 2014

What is in a...?

What is in a day? Seconds, minutes, hours, light, dark, awake, asleep... The list is endless.  
In my house a new month means calendar change, a bit of a weird excitement that tickles me every time a new picture appears.  It's not the actual picture I don't think but the potential for one day I could have that, dream big and you will achieve.

Today brought tears. What is in a tear? Apart from water and salt, possibly a smidge of mascara and general environmental gunk that has accumulated in the corner of the eye. I'm sure the scientists of you would know the chemical symbol combo to say the composition of a tear, clinical, factual, sterile. To me, my tears today were an emotional reaction to someone else's tears.  I'm unfortunately able to contain the flow if someone is shedding a few.  These tears contained all of the above, a whole lot of love and temporary loss.  A release, decrease in pressure, a tear can mean many things and solve numerous others.

What is in a film? Do you have a favourite film? Why do you watch it? My favourite films are either good old chick flicks with a bit of comedic romance or kids films. Tis the season for the start of seasonal festivities...that's right ELF! We watched Elf, maybe that's why I felt the need to empty the cupboards of all things sweet and yummy?

Today, my ding thing is the film Beastly, it's not one many have heard of. Look it up and enjoy.

Muchos love

Ding x

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